Zachary Hanson

Name:  Zachary Walker Hanson
Birthdate: October 22, 1986
Astrological Sign: Libra
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Shoe Size: 8
Favorite food: Jello, Twinkies, Dong-Dongs, Hotdogs, pizza
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocalate
Favorite Movie: Nutty Professor
Favorite Show: Animaniacs
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Color: Blue
Hobbies: Video Games - Sega, Nitendo, Sony Play Station
Worst Habit: bossing people around (how cute! hehe)

Other Information
    Wants a puppy with his first pay check.
    Once when being interviewed for a magazine he kept turing off the recorder(how cute!)
    Helped design the Hanson logo with Taylor.
    Taylor and Zac share clothing
    Shops at GAP for clothing
    Had a broken nose before from playing with rocks on a seesaw.  No, Zac was not playing with the rocks, but he was sitting on one end of the seesaw as a leaver while Tay would hit the other end of the see-saw so a rock would fly.  One of the rocks then hit Zac in the face. (Ouch!)
    He loves to play in the tree house.

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